Put a Stop to SRD Fast


Swine respiratory disease (SRD) can accelerate losses in your operation — unless you stop it in its tracks. Our products are built to stop a wide array of bacterial pathogens, helping your herd recover quickly. With our hands-on support, you’ll have your herd back on track in no time. Our consultative approach ensures that your herd will get back up to speed ASAP.

At Pharmgate, our team has extensive production experience and understands the complex challenges you face in managing SRD. We’ll help keep your pigs healthy and your operation thriving.


Fast-acting and cost-effective herd health solutions

Our products are backed by rigorous research and a commitment to quality, ensuring you have the best tools to protect your herd. Products like Aivlosin WSG and Pennchlor 64 provide broad-spectrum treatment that saves you time and money. How?

  • Easily treat pigs through the water, which they will continue to consume if they go off feed.
  • Water-soluble medications require less labor to administer than injectable medications and reduces stress from handling.
  • Lower treatment cost per-pig gives you a higher return on investment.
  • Effective, rapid absorption following administration stops SRD and treats bacterial pathogens so your herd recovers quickly.
  • Zero-day withdrawal in swine for U.S. markets gives you flexibility with your protocols.

Aivlosin® (62.5% w/w tylvalosin as tylvalosin tartrate) 
Water-Soluble Granules ↗

  • Unique chemical structure that allows it to work quickly and effectively
  • Quick-acting, potent macrolide antibiotic that is not used in human health
  • Broadest label indication for SRD control
  • Accumulates rapidly in lung and small intestinal tissue after treatment
  • Rapidly absorbed, appearing in blood within five minutes and achieving peak blood levels within two hours
  • Zero-day swine withdrawal in U.S. markets

Important Safety Information: Available under prescription only. AIVLOSIN® is indicated for control of porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE) associated with Lawsonia intracellularis infection in groups of swine intended for slaughter and female swine intended for breeding in buildings experiencing an outbreak of PPE. Control of swine respiratory disease (SRD) associated with Bordetella bronchiseptica, Glaesserella (Haemophilus) parasuis, Pasteurella multocida, Streptococcus suis, and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in groups of swine intended for slaughter and female swine intended for breeding in buildings experiencing an outbreak of SRD. For use only in drinking water of pigs. Not for use in male swine intended for breeding. People with known hypersensitivity to tylvalosin tartrate should avoid contact with this product. When used in accordance with label directions, no withdrawal period is required before slaughter for human consumption.

Pennchlor 64v2

Pennchlor 64® (chlortetracycline HCI)
Soluble Powder Concentrate ↗

  • Broad spectrum, effective against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms that can cause bacterial enteritis
  • Readily absorbed, providing effective blood and lung tissue concentrations
  • Excellent solubility
  • High-quality manufacturing at U.S. Pharmgate facilities
  • Zero-day swine withdrawal in U.S. markets

Important Safety Information: CAUTION: Federal Law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. RESIDUE WARNINGS: Do not administer to chickens within 24 hours of slaughter. Do not use in laying chickens. Do not administer to growing turkeys within 24 hours of slaughter. Zero day withdrawal in swine. Do not administer to cattle within 24 hours of slaughter. Do not use in lactating dairy cattle. A withdrawal period has not been established in pre-ruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal.

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