Pennchlor 50G

Pennchlor 50G Chlortetracycline Type A Medicated Article VFD Forms [fl_builder_insert_layout id="6936" type="fl-builder-template"] Swine Breeding Swine Calves/Cattle/Non-Lactating Turkeys Chickens Sheep Swine combination with Tiamulin Cattle […]


Pennchlor Chlortetracycline Type A Medicated Article Available in the USA Broad spectrum effective against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms for swine, cattle, sheep, and […]

Pennchlor 100 Hi-Flo

Pennchlor 100 Hi-Flo Chlortetracycline Type A Medicated Article VFD Forms [fl_builder_insert_layout id="6936" type="fl-builder-template"] Swine Breeding Swine Calves/Cattle/Non-Lactating Turkeys Chickens Sheep Swine combination with Tiamulin […]

Pennchlor 50

Pennchlor 50 Chlortetracycline Type A Medicated Article VFD Forms [fl_builder_insert_layout id="6936" type="fl-builder-template"] Swine Breeding Swine Calves/Cattle/Non-Lactating Turkeys Chickens Sheep Swine combination with Tiamulin Cattle […]