(Oxytetracycline, Neomycin)
Type A medicated article and Type B medicated feed

Available in the USA
- Combination of two potent antimicrobials, neomycin and oxytetracycline, that provide systemic and enteric efficacy against bacteria that cause disease like swine leptospirosis, swine diarrhea, cattle diarrhea, cattle pneumonia, cattle shipping fever
- Broad-spectrum oxytetracycline is readily absorbed, providing effective blood and lung tissue concentrations. Neomycin generally stays in the gut, providing activity against enteric pathogens.
- Convenient, cost-effective treatment option vs injectable therapy or other antimicrobial combinations.
- Free-flowing formulation promotes consistent mixing.
- Wide safety margin.
- Color-coded bag for easy identification.
- High-quality manufacturing at US Pharmgate facilities
- CAUTION: Federal law restricts medicated feed containing this veterinary feed directive (VFD) drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian
- Blue Bird Labels
- Antibacterial combination (neomycin and oxytetracycline) medicated article for oral administration in feed for treatment of disease like swine leptospirosis, swine diarrhea, cattle diarrhea, cattle pneumonia, cattle shipping fever
- Each pound contains 10 grams of oxytetracycline activity and 10 grams of neomycin sulfate.
- Free-flowing meal medicated article.
- Ingredients: Oxytetracycline dihydrate, neomycin sulfate, calcium carbonate, roughage products, mineral oil.
- Neo-Oxy 10/10 is only available on a Type B Medicated Feed Article from your Animal Health supplier.
- Antibacterial combination (neomycin and oxytetracycline) medicated article for oral administration in feed for treatment of disease like swine leptospirosis, swine diarrhea, cattle diarrhea, cattle pneumonia, cattle shipping fever
- Each pound contains 50 grams of oxytetracycline activity and 50 grams of neomycin sulfate.
- Free-flowing meal medicated article.
- Ingredients: Oxytetracycline dihydrate, neomycin sulfate, calcium carbonate, roughage products, mineral oil.
- 50-lb, yellow color-coded bags
- Soluble antibacterial combination for oral administration to cattle in milk replacers or starter feeds for bacterial enteritis, bacterial pneumonia, shipping fever, and colibacillosis
- Each pound of powder contains 100 grams of oxytetracycline activity.
- Free-flowing soluble powder.
- Ingredients: Oxytetracycline hydrochloride, neomycin sulfate, calcium carbonate, roughage products, mineral oil.
- 50-lb fiber drums